Israeli NGO Saves the Monkeys

yellow tailed woolly monkey By Platyrrhinus (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

No Monkey Business for TIME Over US$30,000 were raised towards buying a large plot of land in the Peruvian rainforest, with the aim of saving the woolly monkey from extinction. The money was raised through a crowdfunding platform by the Israeli NGO known as TIME, and was used to buy land in the El Toro … Read more

Empowering Women through Tennis

The Northern Charitable Foundation- Empowering Women through Tennis

Tennis as a Life Skill The foundation sponsors the High Performance Girls Tennis Teams of the ITC. Northern Charitable Foundation, in collaboration with the Israel Tennis Centers (ITC), are doing important work when it comes to girls’ tennis in Israel. The ITC Girls Tennis Teams was born in 2011 with the vision of increasing and … Read more

Northern Charitable Foundation Partner with Ezer Mizion

Jacob Fried Building

Ezer Mizion is an Israeli health support organization. By offering a comprehensive range of medical support and socialservices, the organization assists Israelis who are disadvantaged, elderly, disabled and sick. Ezer Mizion hasseveral departments with different functions, including the Bone Marrow Registry and Donor Pool, the Golden AgeDivision and the Alzheimer’s Center – all of which … Read more