Pancreatic Cancer May Soon Be Prevented Through New Gene Therapy

Genetic engineering and DNA manipulation as the biotechnology science of genetically modified foods or living organisms with an image of a dna strand on a parchment texture being changed by a pencil eraser.

Researchers recently made a significant discovery related to pancreatic cancer. When the ataxia-telangiectasia group D complementing (ATDC) gene was removed from a group of cancer-prone mice, none of the mice developed cancer. Cancer in the pancreas is a particularly deadly form of the dreaded disease. It is often diagnosed late and tends to resist treatment. … Read more

A Major Milestone in Genetic Editing


Researchers at Purdue University have developed a new technology that may disrupt the current methodology for genetic editing using the Argonaute protein from Natronobacterium gregoryi (NgAgo). Gene editing is a hot topic among the international scientific community, and it is not without controversy. As a result, the World Health Organization has demanded the establishment of … Read more

Promoting Awareness About BRCA Mutations in Rosa Dembitzer’s Native Costa Rica

Alex and Rosa Dembitzer just returned from Costa Rica where they sponsored an event for the Jewish community to raise awareness about BRCA genes. The BRCA Gene BRCA is the acronym for the BReast CAncer susceptibility gene. Everyone has BRCA genes, which play an important role in suppressing tumors from growing. However, when these genes … Read more

Congratulations to Sabrina Kalandarov for Winning the International Tennis Federation Tournament

Sabrina Kalandarov

We are very excited for International Tennis Federation (ITF) tournament winner Sabrina Kalandrov. This is a magnificent victory for Sabrina and her dedicated coaches on the Israel Tennis Centers (ITC) National Girls Team. Building Life Skills Through Tennis The Northern Charitable Foundation is a sponsor of the ITC High-Performance Girls Teams. Founded in 1976, the … Read more

80% of People Genetically at Risk of Cancer are Unaware

dna spiral, isolated on white

Ignorance About Predisposition to Certain Cancers A recent study interviewing more than 50,000 subjects has found that as many as eight of ten people are unaware that they may be genetically disposed to several types of cancer. Most people only find out retroactively once they have already been diagnosed that they were at high risk … Read more

Could Diabetes be Cured?

3d rendering of human dna string on dark background

Genome Study Says Maybe New research unveiled five clusters of genetic variants differentiated by diverse cellular processes within the existing main divisions of insulin-deficient and insulin-resistant disease. It turned out that a עenomic study may have the potential to help cure type 2 diabetes. A More Focused Approach is Called For The majority of sufferers … Read more

Exploring Byron Katie’s ‘The Work’

Byron Katie

Can a Self-Inquiry Technique Help Breast Cancer Survivors? In 1986 Byron Katie developed a self-inquiry method that showed great potential for improving emotional and physical wellbeing. It’s called ‘The Work’ and is described by many as a simple yet powerful process. A recent study published by the European Journal of Integrative Medicine sought to establish … Read more

ITC Girls’ Teams Annual Celebration

ITC girls' teams

Israel Tennis Center June 20 at 8:51 AM The annual celebration of the ITC girls’ teams took place yesterday with the participation of about 50 girls between the ages of 10 to 17, from our Centers in Tiberias, Ramat Hasharon, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Akko, Jerusalem, Beer Sheva, Jaffa and Yokne’am. The teams are operated by … Read more

Prevention GENEration Program

researcher looking at genes

Tackling Genetic Risk Factors for Cancer Around 4,500 women in Israel are diagnosed with cancer every year, and between 5% to 10% of the women diagnosed with breast cancer are genetically predisposed towards it – the most common cause is a genetic mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. While this genetic change is found … Read more

Be proactive, take the BRCA test and save your own life.

Diagnosed with BRCA When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew nothing of the BRCA gene. My friend mentioned it in a conversation, “ Will you get tested for the Jewish Gene?” When I raised this question to my surgeon, she said we should do it, get tested, but proceed with the surgery as … Read more